Announcing BriziMotion
Shareable Instant Looping Videos
If you already know BriziCam, you’ll know that we let anyone tap into nearby cameras at iconic places to capture stunning group photos. But what about those moments when you’re waving your team’s flag or doing a goofy dance? Now we can capture those too.
Evolving the Brizi group memory experience, BriziCam is now able to capture sharable instant looping video. We call it BriziMotion. This gives guests a new dimension of expression and evolves the customer experience.
Has anyone brought it to their venue?
Just this January, at the 2019 Australian Open, we launched our first live version of BriziMotion. It was a huge success, and there’s nothing quite like it in sports and attractions. AO has helped us tweak all the little details that make it the best possible experience for guests and fans, and we’re excited for more of our customers to give it a try too.
Want to see it in action?
Book a demo or get in touch at